Stripping Special Characters from Oracle SQL Queries

How to Remove Special Characters in Oracle SQL Query

Special characters can often cause issues when working with data in Oracle SQL. They can lead to unexpected results, data corruption, and even security vulnerabilities. Therefore, it’s important to know how to remove special characters from Oracle SQL queries.

There are several ways to remove special characters in Oracle SQL. The most common methods are:

  • Using the TRANSLATE() function
  • Using the REPLACE() function
  • Using the REGEXP_REPLACE() function

Using the TRANSLATE() Function

The TRANSLATE() function is specifically designed for removing and replacing characters in Oracle SQL. It takes three arguments:

  • The string to be modified
  • The characters to be removed
  • The replacement characters

For example, the following query removes all special characters from the "name" column of the "customers" table:

UPDATE customers SET name = TRANSLATE(name, '~!@#$%^&*()_+=-`', '');

Using the REPLACE() Function

The REPLACE() function can also be used to remove special characters. However, it’s less efficient than the TRANSLATE() function because it must scan the entire string for each character to be replaced.

The REPLACE() function takes three arguments:

  • The string to be modified
  • The characters to be replaced
  • The replacement characters

For example, the following query removes all special characters from the "name" column of the "customers" table:

UPDATE customers SET name = REPLACE(name, '~!@#$%^&*()_+=-`', '');

Using the REGEXP_REPLACE() Function

The REGEXP_REPLACE() function is the most powerful of the three methods for removing special characters. It allows you to use regular expressions to specify the characters to be removed.

The REGEXP_REPLACE() function takes three arguments:

  • The string to be modified
  • The regular expression
  • The replacement characters

For example, the following query removes all special characters from the "name" column of the "customers" table:

UPDATE customers SET name = REGEXP_REPLACE(name, '[~!@#$%^&*()_+=-`]', '');

Which Method Should I Use?

The best method for removing special characters in Oracle SQL depends on the specific needs of your application.

  • If you need to remove a specific set of characters, the TRANSLATE() function is the most efficient option.
  • If you need to remove all special characters, the REGEXP_REPLACE() function is the most powerful option.
  • If you need to replace special characters with specific characters, the REPLACE() function is the most flexible option.


Removing special characters from Oracle SQL queries is an important task for ensuring data integrity and security. By understanding the different methods available, you can choose the best method for your specific needs.

How to Remove Special Characters in Oracle SQL Query

Step 1: Identify the Special Characters

Identify the special characters that need to be removed from the data. These characters can include punctuation marks, symbols, and non-alphanumeric characters.

Step 2: Use the TRANSLATE Function

Use the TRANSLATE function to replace the special characters with an empty string. The syntax for the TRANSLATE function is:

TRANSLATE(string, from_string, to_string)


* string is the input string containing the special characters.
* from_string is the string containing the special characters to be removed.
* to_string is the string containing the replacement characters (in this case, an empty string).


To remove the punctuation marks from the following string:

“This, is a sample string!”

the following query can be used:

SELECT TRANSLATE(“This, is a sample string!”, ‘!”, ”) FROM dual;

Step 3: Use the REGEXP_REPLACE Function

The REGEXP_REPLACE function can also be used to remove special characters. The REGEXP_REPLACE function uses regular expressions to match and replace specific patterns in the data.


To remove all non-alphanumeric characters from the following string:

“This is a sample string with special characters 123”

the following query can be used:

SELECT REGEXP_REPLACE(“This is a sample string with special characters 123″, ‘[^a-zA-Z0-9]’, ”) FROM dual;

Step 4: Use a Custom Function

It is possible to create a custom function to remove special characters. This can be useful if the special characters to be removed vary depending on the specific use case.


The following custom function can be used to remove all non-alphanumeric characters from a string:

CREATE FUNCTION remove_special_characters(input VARCHAR2)
result VARCHAR2(4000);
result := REGEXP_REPLACE(input, ‘[^a-zA-Z0-9]’, ”);
RETURN result;

This function can be used as follows:

SELECT remove_special_characters(“This is a sample string with special characters 123”) FROM dual;

How to Remove Special Characters in Oracle SQL Query

Contact Information

If you need the file on how to remove special characters in Oracle SQL query, please contact Mr. Andi at 085864490180.

Additional Information

The file contains detailed instructions and examples on how to remove special characters from Oracle SQL query results. It is a valuable resource for Oracle developers and analysts.

Contact Phone Number
Mr. Andi 085864490180

Experience in Removing Special Characters in Oracle SQL Queries


As a data analyst with extensive experience in Oracle SQL, I have encountered numerous scenarios where special characters have posed challenges in data processing and analysis. Removing these characters is crucial to ensure data consistency and accuracy, particularly when dealing with sensitive information such as customer data or financial records.

Techniques for Removing Special Characters

REPLACE Function

The REPLACE function is a powerful tool for removing specific characters or strings from a given text. It takes the following syntax:

REPLACE(string, search_string, replace_string)

For example, to remove all hyphens (-) from a column named “Phone_Number”, I would use the following query:

UPDATE table_name SET Phone_Number = REPLACE(Phone_Number, '-', '')


The REGEXP_REPLACE function provides more advanced regular expression-based matching and replacement capabilities. It takes the following syntax:

REGEXP_REPLACE(string, pattern, replace_string)

Using this function, I can remove all non-alphanumeric characters from a column named “Address” using the following query:

UPDATE table_name SET Address = REGEXP_REPLACE(Address, '[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]+', '')

TRIM Function

The TRIM function can be used to remove leading, trailing, or both leading and trailing special characters from a given text. It takes the following syntax:

TRIM([LEADING | TRAILING | BOTH] trim_string FROM string)

For example, to remove leading and trailing whitespace from a column named “Customer_Name”, I would use the following query:

UPDATE table_name SET Customer_Name = TRIM(BOTH ' ' FROM Customer_Name)

Table of Special Characters and Their Removal Methods

Special Character Removal Method
Hyphen (-) REPLACE
Non-alphanumeric REGEXP_REPLACE
Leading/trailing whitespace TRIM
Apostrophe (‘) REPLACE
Double quote (“) REPLACE


By leveraging the various techniques described above, I have successfully removed special characters from Oracle SQL queries to ensure data integrity and accuracy. This has enabled me to perform data analysis and reporting with confidence, reducing errors and providing valuable insights to stakeholders.