How to Check If a String Contains Special Characters in Python

How to Check if a String Contains Special Characters in Python

Special characters are often used in programming to represent special actions or delimiters. For example, the backslash (\) is used to escape characters in strings, and the colon (:) is used to separate keys from values in dictionaries.

In some cases, you may need to check whether a string contains any special characters. This can be useful for data validation or security purposes. Python provides several ways to check for special characters in a string.

Using the re Module

The re module provides a powerful set of functions for working with regular expressions. Regular expressions are a concise way to match patterns in strings. To check if a string contains any special characters, you can use the following regular expression:

import re

pattern = r'[^\w\s]'

This regular expression matches any character that is not a letter, number, or whitespace. To use this regular expression, you can use the function:

import re

string = "This is a string with special characters!"
pattern = r'[^\w\s]'
match =, string)

if match:
    print("The string contains special characters.")
    print("The string does not contain special characters.")

If the function finds a match, it will return a Match object. Otherwise, it will return None.

Using the string Module

The string module provides a set of constants that represent different types of characters. For example, the string.ascii_letters constant represents all the lowercase and uppercase letters in the English alphabet. To check if a string contains any special characters, you can use the following code:

import string

string = "This is a string with special characters!"
special_characters = set(string) - set(string.ascii_letters + string.digits + string.whitespace)

if special_characters:
    print("The string contains special characters.")
    print("The string does not contain special characters.")

This code first creates a set of all the characters in the string. Then, it subtracts the set of all the letters, digits, and whitespace characters from the set of all the characters in the string. The resulting set contains all the special characters in the string. If the resulting set is not empty, then the string contains special characters.

Using the isalnum() Method

The isalnum() method returns True if all the characters in a string are letters or numbers. Otherwise, it returns False. You can use the isalnum() method to check if a string contains any special characters:

string = "This is a string with special characters!"
if not string.isalnum():
    print("The string contains special characters.")
    print("The string does not contain special characters.")

If the isalnum() method returns False, then the string contains special characters.


There are several ways to check if a string contains special characters in Python. The best method for you will depend on your specific needs.

If you need to check for a specific set of special characters, then you can use the re module.

If you need to check for any type of special character, then you can use the string module or the isalnum() method.

I hope this article has been helpful. If you have any questions, please feel free to leave a comment below.

How To Check if a String Contains Special Characters in Python

Step-by-Step Guide

1. Define a String with Special Characters

string = "This is a string with special characters: !@#$%^&*"

2. Use the any() Function

The any() function can be used to check if any element in an iterable is True. In this case, we can check if any of the characters in the string are special characters.

special_characters = "!@#$%^&*"
result = any(char in special_characters for char in string)

3. Check the Result

The result variable will be True if any of the characters in the string are special characters, or False otherwise.

if result:
    print("The string contains special characters.")
    print("The string does not contain special characters.")


string = "This is a string without special characters."
special_characters = "!@#$%^&*"
result = any(char in special_characters for char in string)
if result:
    print("The string contains special characters.")
    print("The string does not contain special characters.")


The string does not contain special characters.

How to Check if a String Contains Special Characters in Python

To check if a string contains special characters in Python, you can use the re.findall() function. This function takes a regular expression as its first argument and a string as its second argument, and it returns a list of all the matches of the regular expression in the string. In this case, we will use the following regular expression:


This regular expression matches any character that is not a letter, number, or whitespace character. To use this regular expression with the re.findall() function, we can write the following code:

import re

def check_for_special_characters(string):
Checks if a string contains any special characters.

string: The string to check.

True if the string contains any special characters, False otherwise.

pattern = r"[^\w\s]"
matches = re.findall(pattern, string)
return len(matches) > 0

This function takes a string as its argument and returns True if the string contains any special characters, False otherwise.


The following code demonstrates how to use the check_for_special_characters() function:

string = "Hello, world!"
result = check_for_special_characters(string)
print(result) # Output: False

In this example, the check_for_special_characters() function is called with the string “Hello, world!”. The function returns False, indicating that the string does not contain any special characters.

Additional Information

For more information on the re.findall() function, see the Python documentation.

For more information on regular expressions, see the Regular Expression HOWTO.

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How to Check if a String Contains Special Characters in Python

Using the re Module

The re module provides a comprehensive set of functions for working with regular expressions, which can be used to detect and manipulate strings. To check if a string contains any special characters, you can use the following code:

import re

def has_special_chars(string):
    Checks if the given string contains any special characters.

        string (str): The string to check.

        bool: True if the string contains special characters, False otherwise.
    special_chars = "!@#$%^&*()-+?_=,<>/"
    return bool("[{}]".format(special_chars), string))

Using the string Module

The string module provides a set of constants that represent various categories of characters, including special characters. To check if a string contains special characters, you can use the following code:

import string

def has_special_chars(string):
    Checks if the given string contains any special characters.

        string (str): The string to check.

        bool: True if the string contains special characters, False otherwise.
    return bool(set(string) & set(string.punctuation))

Example Usage

The following table shows some example strings and the results of checking for special characters using both methods:

String re Module string Module
"Hello, world!" False False
"This is a test!" True True
"1234567890" False False
"!@#$%^&*()" True True


Using either the re module or the string module, it is straightforward to check if a string contains special characters in Python. This can be useful for a variety of applications, such as input validation and data processing.