Printing Special Characters in Python 3

How to Print Special Characters in Python 3


Special characters, such as symbols, mathematical operators, and accented letters, are essential for representing certain information and text formatting. In Python 3, you can print these special characters using various methods. This article will provide a comprehensive guide to printing special characters in Python 3, covering different approaches and their applications.

1. Using Escape Sequences

a. Escape Codes

Escape sequences are special character representations that begin with a backslash (\). They are used to print characters that cannot be entered directly from the keyboard. Here’s a table of commonly used escape codes:

Escape Code Character
\\ Backslash
\’ Single quote
\” Double quote
\n Newline
\t Tab
\r Carriage return

b. Unicode Escape Sequences

For characters with Unicode code points, you can use Unicode escape sequences. They begin with \u followed by the hexadecimal representation of the code point. For example, to print the euro symbol, you would use \u20ac.

2. Using the ord() and chr() Functions

a. ord() Function

The ord() function takes a single character as an argument and returns its Unicode code point as an integer. You can use this code point in Unicode escape sequences.

b. chr() Function

Conversely, the chr() function takes a Unicode code point as an argument and returns the corresponding character. This can be useful for generating special characters from their code points.

3. Using String Literals

a. Raw Strings

Raw strings are denoted by a leading r or R before the string literal. They do not interpret escape sequences within the string. This means you can print special characters directly without using escape codes. For example, to print the string “Newline\nTab\t”, you would use r”Newline\nTab\t”.

4. Using the print() Function with Unicode

The print() function in Python 3 supports printing Unicode characters. You can directly pass a Unicode character as an argument, and it will be printed as is. This is especially useful when dealing with non-English characters or special symbols.

5. Encoding and Decoding

a. Encoding

When working with different character encodings, you may need to encode and decode strings to ensure proper printing. The encode() method can convert a string to a byte representation using a specified encoding, while the decode() method can convert a byte representation back to a string using the same encoding.

b. Common Encodings

Some common character encodings include ASCII, UTF-8, and ISO-8859-1. Each encoding has its own set of supported characters and encodings.


Printing special characters in Python 3 involves using escape sequences, Unicode escape sequences, the ord() and chr() functions, string literals, the print() function with Unicode, and encoding and decoding. Understanding these methods will enable you to effectively represent and print various types of special characters, symbols, and non-English characters in your Python programs.

How to Print Special Characters in Python 3

Step 1: Understand Unicode and ASCII

  • Unicode is a character encoding standard that assigns a unique code point to every character in every language.
  • ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) is a subset of Unicode that includes the English alphabet, numbers, and some symbols.

Step 2: Use the \ Escape Sequence

  • To print special characters that are not in the ASCII set, use the \\ escape sequence followed by the character’s Unicode code point.
  • For example, to print the copyright symbol (©), use \\u00A9.

Step 3: Use the \x Escape Sequence (Hexadecimal)

  • Alternatively, you can use the \x escape sequence followed by the Unicode code point in hexadecimal format.
  • For example, to print the copyright symbol, use \\x00A9.

Step 4: Use Raw Strings

  • If you have a string that contains many special characters, it can be easier to use a raw string to prevent Python from interpreting the \\ character as an escape sequence.
  • To create a raw string, prefix it with r or R.
  • For example: r"Copyright © 2023"

Step 5: Use Character Names

  • Some special characters have named escapes that can be used instead of Unicode code points.
  • These names are defined in the Python standard library.
  • For example, to print the copyright symbol, use \\copyright.

Table of Common Special Characters

Character Unicode Code Point Escape Sequence Character Name
Copyright U+00A9 \u00A9 \copyright
Registered Trademark U+00AE \u00AE \registered
Trademark U+2122 \u2122 \trademark
Degree Symbol U+00B0 \u00B0 \degree
Section Symbol U+00A7 \u00A7 \section
Paragraph Symbol U+00B6 \u00B6 \paragraph
Multiplication Sign U+00D7 \u00D7 \multiply

How to Print Special Characters in Python 3

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How to Print Special Characters in Python 3

Python 3 provides several methods to print special characters, including:

Using Escape Characters

Escape characters are sequences that begin with a backslash (). The following table lists some common escape characters:

Escape Character Description
\n Newline
\t Tab
\ Backslash
Single quote
" Double quote
print("Hello\nWorld")  # prints "Hello" on one line, "World" on the next
print("This is a tab:\tright here")  # prints "This is a tab:	right here"

Using Raw Strings

Raw strings are prefixed with an ‘r’ before the opening quotation mark. They are not interpreted by the Python interpreter, so any escape characters within the string are printed verbatim.

print(r"This is a raw string:\n")  # prints "This is a raw string:\n"

Using Unicode Code Points

Unicode code points are hexadecimal values that represent characters. They can be used to print any character, even those that do not have an escape character.

print("\u03B1")  # prints the Greek letter alpha


By understanding these methods, you can effectively print special characters in Python 3. Choose the method that best suits your needs, whether it’s for formatting text, displaying escape sequences, or printing characters from different languages.