How to Remove Junk Characters in SQL Queries

How to Remove Junk Characters in SQL Query

Junk characters are unwanted, non-printable characters that can appear in SQL queries and cause errors or unexpected results. These characters can come from various sources, such as data entry errors, character encoding issues, or database corruption. Removing junk characters is essential for ensuring the accuracy and integrity of SQL queries.

1. Identify Junk Characters

The first step is to identify the junk characters in your SQL query. Common junk characters include:

  • Null characters (ASCII 0)
  • Carriage returns (ASCII 13)
  • Line feeds (ASCII 10)
  • Tabs (ASCII 9)
  • Form feeds (ASCII 12)

These characters are often invisible in text editors, so you may need to use a special tool or function to identify them.

2. Use Regular Expressions

One of the most effective ways to remove junk characters is to use regular expressions. A regular expression is a sequence of characters that define a search pattern. For example, the following regular expression matches any null character:


You can use regular expressions in conjunction with the REGEXP_REPLACE() function to replace junk characters with an empty string. For example:

SELECT REGEXP_REPLACE(column_name, '(^|\W)0(\W|$)', '')
FROM table_name;

3. Use String Functions

SQL provides several string functions that can be used to remove junk characters. The following table lists some common string functions:

Function Description
LTRIM() Removes leading whitespace characters
RTRIM() Removes trailing whitespace characters
TRIM() Removes leading and trailing whitespace characters
REPLACE() Replaces all occurrences of a specified string with another string

For example, the following query uses the LTRIM() function to remove leading null characters:

SELECT LTRIM(column_name)
FROM table_name;

4. Use CAST() Function

The CAST() function can be used to convert a string to a different data type, such as an integer or a float. This can be useful for removing junk characters that are not valid for the target data type. For example, the following query uses the CAST() function to convert a string column to an integer:

FROM table_name;

5. Use Character Set and Collation

Character set and collation define how characters are stored and compared in a database. Choosing the correct character set and collation can help prevent junk characters from appearing in SQL queries.

  • Character set defines the set of characters that the database can store. For example, the UTF-8 character set supports a wide range of languages and characters.
  • Collation defines the rules for comparing characters. For example, the utf8_bin collation compares characters based on their binary values, which can prevent junk characters from being treated as valid characters.

6. Prevent Junk Characters from Entering the Database

The best way to deal with junk characters is to prevent them from entering the database in the first place. You can do this by implementing the following best practices:

  • Use input validation to ensure that data entered into the database meets specific criteria.
  • Properly encode character data before storing it in the database.
  • Regularly monitor the database for junk characters and take corrective action as needed.


Removing junk characters from SQL queries is essential for ensuring the accuracy and integrity of your data. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can effectively identify and remove junk characters, preventing errors and unexpected results in your SQL queries.

How to Remove Junk Characters in SQL Query


Junk characters, such as null bytes or non-printable characters, can cause issues in SQL queries and data manipulation. Removing these characters ensures data integrity and query accuracy.


1. Identify Junk Characters:

Examine the data for any unusual or non-printable characters. You can use the following query to identify rows containing junk characters:

SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE data_column LIKE ‘%[^[:print:]]%’;

2. Use the REPLACE Function:

The REPLACE function allows you to replace specific characters or strings with desired values. To remove junk characters, use the following syntax:

UPDATE table_name SET data_column = REPLACE(data_column, ‘[^[:print:]]’, ”);

This query finds and replaces all non-printable characters with an empty string.

3. Utilize the SUBSTRING Function:

Another approach is to use the SUBSTRING function to extract only the printable characters from the data:

UPDATE table_name SET data_column = SUBSTRING(data_column, 1, LENGTH(data_column) – LENGTH(REPLACE(data_column, ‘[[:print:]]’, ”)));

This query calculates the length of non-printable characters and removes them from the original data.

4. Employ Regular Expressions:

Regular expressions provide a powerful way to match and replace patterns. To remove junk characters using regular expressions, use the following query:

UPDATE table_name SET data_column = REGEXP_REPLACE(data_column, ‘[^[:print:]]’, ”);

This query matches and replaces all non-printable characters with an empty string.

5. Verify Results:

After executing the update query, re-run the initial query to ensure that the junk characters have been successfully removed:

SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE data_column LIKE ‘%[^[:print:]]%’;

If no rows are returned, then the junk characters have been effectively removed.

How to Remove Junk Characters in SQL Query

Contact Information

If you need the file on how to remove junk characters in SQL query, please contact Mr. Andi at 085864490180.

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Request via Email

You can also send an email to [email protected] with the subject "Request for Junk Character Removal File". Please include the name and phone number used to contact Mr. Andi.

Additional Information

It’s important to remove junk characters from your SQL queries to ensure the accuracy and efficiency of your data processing. Junk characters can cause errors, slow down processing, and impact the reliability of your results.

How to Remove Junk Characters in SQL Query


Junk characters, such as control characters or non-printable characters, can cause issues in SQL queries. They can lead to errors or unexpected results. It is important to remove these characters from your queries to ensure accuracy and efficiency.

Methods for Removing Junk Characters

There are several methods for removing junk characters in SQL queries:

  • Regular Expressions: You can use regular expressions to find and remove junk characters. For example, the following regex matches and replaces all non-printable characters with an empty string:

SELECT REGEXP_REPLACE(column_name, '[^\x20-\x7E]', '') FROM table_name;

  • TRIM Function: The TRIM function can be used to remove leading and trailing whitespace from a string. This can also help to remove some types of junk characters.

SELECT TRIM(column_name) FROM table_name;

  • Filtering: You can use a WHERE clause to filter out rows that contain junk characters. For example, the following query selects only the rows where the column_name does not contain any non-printable characters:

SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE column_name NOT LIKE '%[^\x20-\x7E]%'


Here are some examples of how to remove junk characters in SQL queries:

Input Output
SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 'This is a string with junk characters \x00\x01\x02' SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 'This is a string with junk characters '
SELECT TRIM(column_name) FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 'This is a string with leading and trailing whitespace' SELECT 'This is a string with leading and trailing whitespace' FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 'This is a string with leading and trailing whitespace'
SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE column_name NOT LIKE '%[^\x20-\x7E]%' SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 'This is a string with no junk characters'


Removing junk characters from SQL queries is essential for ensuring accuracy and efficiency. By using the methods described in this article, you can effectively clean your queries and get reliable results.

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