Removing Special Characters in SQL Server

Function to Remove Special Characters in SQL Server


Special characters can cause issues in data analysis and processing. Removing special characters from strings is a common task in SQL Server. This article provides a comprehensive guide to using the SQL Server function to remove special characters, covering various scenarios and providing practical examples.

The REPLACE Function

The REPLACE function is the primary function used to remove special characters in SQL Server. It takes three arguments:

Argument Description
target_string The string from which special characters are to be removed.
search_string The special character or pattern to be replaced.
replacement_string The character or string that will replace the special character.

The following example replaces all occurrences of the special character “‘” with an empty string:

SELECT REPLACE('John''s Book', ''', '')

Removing Multiple Special Characters

To remove multiple special characters, use multiple REPLACE functions nested within each other. For instance, to remove both “‘” and “-” from a string:

SELECT REPLACE(REPLACE('John''s-Book', ''', ''), '-', '')

Using Regular Expressions

Regular expressions provide a powerful way to remove special characters. The following example uses the PATINDEX function to find all non-alphanumeric characters and replaces them with an empty string:

SELECT REPLACE(target_string, PATINDEX('%[^a-zA-Z0-9]%', target_string), '')

Removing Special Characters from Specific Columns

To remove special characters from specific columns within a table, use the UPDATE statement. For instance, to remove “‘” from the “Title” column of the “Books” table:

SET Title = REPLACE(Title, ''', '')


When using the REPLACE function, consider the following:

  • The search_string is case-sensitive.
  • The replacement_string can be an empty string to remove the special character completely.
  • The REPLACE function returns a new string without modifying the original string.


Removing special characters in SQL Server is essential for data integrity and analysis. The REPLACE function and regular expressions provide effective methods for achieving this. By following the guidelines outlined in this article, you can ensure that your data is free from special characters and ready for further processing.

Function to Remove Special Characters in SQL Server

Step 1: Create a User-Defined Function

Create a user-defined function using the following syntax:

CREATE FUNCTION RemoveSpecialChars (@InputString VARCHAR(MAX))

Step 2: Define the Function Logic

Inside the function, use the REPLACE() function to replace all special characters with an empty string:


  SET @Result = REPLACE(@InputString, '[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]', '')

  RETURN @Result

Step 3: Test the Function

Insert a few rows into a table with a column containing special characters:

INSERT INTO YourTable (ColumnName) VALUES ('This is a test string!@#$^%')
INSERT INTO YourTable (ColumnName) VALUES ('Another string with special chars&*()')

Run the following query to test the function:

SELECT RemoveSpecialChars(ColumnName) FROM YourTable


The following table shows the results of the RemoveSpecialChars() function applied to the inserted rows:

InputString Result
This is a test string!@#$^% This is a test string
Another string with special chars&*() Another string with special chars

Additional Notes

  • The [^a-zA-Z0-9 ] expression matches all characters that are not letters, numbers, or spaces.
  • You can adjust the expression to match specific special characters or character groups.
  • The function can be used on columns of various data types, such as VARCHAR, NVARCHAR, or TEXT.

How to Get the Function to Remove Special Characters in SQL Server

Contact Mr. Andi

If you want to obtain the function to remove special characters in SQL Server, please contact Mr. Andi at the following number:


Mr. Andi

Phone Number


Function to Remove Special Characters in SQL Server


In data warehousing and data cleansing processes, it is often necessary to remove special characters from strings to ensure data integrity and consistency. SQL Server provides several functions that can be used to achieve this task. In this article, we will explore the PATINDEX() function, which can be used to find and replace special characters in a string.

Using the PATINDEX() Function

The PATINDEX() function takes two arguments: a pattern to search for and a string to search within. The pattern can be a literal string or a regular expression. To remove special characters, we can use a regular expression that matches any non-alphanumeric character.

The following query demonstrates how to use the PATINDEX() function to remove special characters from the Address column of the Customer table:

UPDATE Customer
SET Address = REPLACE(Address, PATINDEX('%[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]%', Address), '')
WHERE PATINDEX('%[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]%', Address) > 0;


Consider the following Customer table with a Address column containing special characters:

CustomerID Address
1 123 Main St., Suite 101
2 456 Oak Ave.
3 789 Cherry St. #204

After running the query, the special characters will be removed from the Address column:

CustomerID Address
1 123 Main St Suite 101
2 456 Oak Ave
3 789 Cherry St 204


The PATINDEX() function provides a powerful way to remove special characters from strings in SQL Server. By understanding how to use this function, you can enhance the quality of your data and improve data integrity in your applications.

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