Escaping Characters in Python Strings

How to Include Escape Characters in Strings in Python


Escape characters are special characters that allow us to include special characters or control characters in a string. In Python, escape characters are prefaced with a backslash (\). They are used to represent characters that cannot be directly represented in a string, such as newlines, tabs, and quotes.

Common Escape Characters

The following table lists some of the most commonly used escape characters in Python:

Escape Character Description
\n Newline
\t Tab
\” Double quote
\’ Single quote
\\ Backslash

Using Escape Characters

To use an escape character in a string, simply prefix the desired character with a backslash. For example, to include a newline character in a string, you would use the following syntax:

text = "Hello\nWorld"

# Output:
# Hello
# World

Similarly, to include a double quote character in a string, you would use the following syntax:

text = "He said, \"Hello\""

# Output:
# He said, "Hello"

Raw Strings

In some cases, you may want to include a backslash in a string without it being treated as an escape character. To do this, you can use a raw string. Raw strings are denoted by the prefix r. In a raw string, backslashes are not treated as escape characters, so they can be used as regular characters. For example, to include the string “C:\Users\username” without it being interpreted as a special character, you would use the following syntax:

text = r"C:\Users\username"

# Output:
# C:\Users\username

Unicode Escape Sequences

In addition to the common escape characters listed above, Python also supports Unicode escape sequences. Unicode escape sequences allow you to represent any Unicode character in a string. To use a Unicode escape sequence, you start with a backslash, followed by the letter u, followed by the Unicode code point of the character. For example, to represent the Euro symbol (€) in a string, you would use the following Unicode escape sequence:

text = "The Euro symbol is €"

# Output:
# The Euro symbol is €


Escape characters are a powerful tool for including special characters in strings. They are used to represent characters that cannot be directly represented in a string, such as newlines, tabs, and quotes. Python supports a wide range of escape characters, including common escape characters, raw strings, and Unicode escape sequences. By understanding how to use escape characters, you can create strings that accurately represent your data and meet your specific needs.

How to Include Escape Characters in Python Strings

Step 1: Define a String with Escape Characters

# Declare a string with escape characters
my_string = "This is a string with \"quotes\" and \\backslashes."

Step 2: Use Escape Sequences

Escape Sequence Description Example
\" Double quote "Hello, world!"
\' Single quote ‘This is a string with single quotes.’
\\ Backslash "C:\Users\username"
\n Newline "First line\nSecond line"
\t Tab "Tabbed text\taligned right"
\r Carriage return "Line 1\rLine 2" (in Windows)
\f Form feed "Page break" (in printers)
\v Vertical tab "Aligned vertically"

Step 3: Display the String

# Print the string


This is a string with "quotes" and \backslashes.

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Using Escape Characters in Python Strings


Escape characters in Python strings allow for the inclusion of special characters that would otherwise be interpreted as part of the string syntax. They consist of a backslash (\) followed by a character or sequence of characters.

Table of Escape Characters

Escape Character Meaning
\n Newline
\t Tab
\\ Backslash
\’ Single quote
\” Double quote

Using Escape Characters

To use an escape character, simply insert it into the string where you want the special character to appear. For example:


This will print “Hello” followed by a newline character, which will move the cursor to the next line.


Escape characters provide a convenient way to include special characters in Python strings, enabling the representation of complex data and allowing for more control over string formatting.