Eliminating Special Characters from Strings in Oracle SQL

How to Remove Special Characters from String in Oracle SQL

Oracle SQL provides various ways to remove special characters from a string. This article will delve into the most commonly used methods, explaining their functionality and providing practical examples to guide you step by step. By the end of this comprehensive guide, you will have a thorough understanding of how to effectively remove special characters from strings in Oracle SQL.


The REGEXP_REPLACE function is a versatile tool for manipulating strings in Oracle SQL. It allows you to search for a specific pattern within a string and replace it with a desired replacement string. To remove special characters, you can use the following syntax:

REGEXP_REPLACE(string, '[^[:alnum:]]', '')

In this expression, [^[:alnum:]] represents the regular expression pattern that matches any character that is not alphanumeric. The empty string (”) in the replacement part indicates that matched characters should be removed.


SELECT REGEXP_REPLACE('Hello, world!', '[^[:alnum:]]', '') FROM dual;




The TRANSLATE function provides an alternative method for removing special characters from strings in Oracle SQL. It allows you to map one set of characters to another. To remove special characters, you can use the following syntax:

TRANSLATE(string, 'special_characters', 'replacement_characters')

In this expression, special_characters represents the string containing the characters you want to remove, and replacement_characters represents the string containing the characters you want to replace them with. Since we want to remove the special characters, the replacement string should be empty.


SELECT TRANSLATE('Hello, world!', '!"#$%&', '') FROM dual;



SUBSTR Function

The SUBSTR function allows you to extract a substring from a larger string based on the specified starting position and length. You can use the SUBSTR function to remove special characters from a string by excluding them from the substring. The syntax is as follows:

SUBSTR(string, start_position, length)

To determine the start position and length, you can use the INSTR function to find the position of the first special character and then calculate the length of the substring accordingly.


SELECT SUBSTR('Hello, world!', 1, INSTR('Hello, world!', '!') - 1) FROM dual;




Similar to the SUBSTR function, the SUBSTRING function allows you to extract a substring from a larger string. However, the SUBSTRING function uses 1-based indexing instead of 0-based indexing. To remove special characters using the SUBSTRING function, you can follow a similar approach as with the SUBSTR function.


SELECT SUBSTRING('Hello, world!', 1, INSTR('Hello, world!', '!') - 1) FROM dual;



Custom Regular Expressions

In addition to the built-in functions mentioned above, you can create your own custom regular expressions to remove special characters from strings. This approach offers greater flexibility and allows you to handle complex character patterns. The following example shows how to use a custom regular expression:

SELECT REGEXP_REPLACE('Hello, world!', '[\\p{Punct}]', '') FROM dual;



In this expression, [\\p{Punct}] represents a regular expression pattern that matches any punctuation character.


Removing special characters from strings in Oracle SQL is a common task that can be easily accomplished using various methods. The REGEXP_REPLACE and TRANSLATE functions provide straightforward ways to achieve this, while the SUBSTR and SUBSTRING functions allow for more granular control. Additionally, custom regular expressions offer the flexibility to handle complex character patterns. By understanding these techniques, you can effectively process strings and extract the desired data in Oracle SQL.

How to Remove Special Characters from a String in Oracle SQL

Step 1: Identify the Special Characters

Determine which special characters you want to remove from the string. Common examples include punctuation marks, symbols, and white space.

Step 2: Utilize the REPLACE Function

Oracle’s REPLACE function allows you to replace specific characters or character sequences with a replacement string. For special characters, typically you would replace them with an empty string (”).


REPLACE(string_to_modify, characters_to_replace, replacement_string)

Step 3: Iterate Through Characters

In complex scenarios, you may need to remove multiple types of special characters. To handle this, you can iterate through the string and apply the REPLACE function multiple times.


input_string VARCHAR2 := 'Test String!@#$%^&*()';
cleaned_string VARCHAR2;
cleaned_string := REPLACE(input_string, '!', '');
cleaned_string := REPLACE(cleaned_string, '@', '');
cleaned_string := ...; -- Repeat for all characters

Step 4: Use Regular Expressions (Advanced)

Oracle provides support for regular expressions, which offer a powerful way to match and replace complex character patterns.


REGEXP_REPLACE(string_to_modify, pattern_to_match, replacement_string)

Step 5: Leverage Built-In Functions

Oracle offers built-in functions like TRANSLATE() and SUBSTR() that can be useful for removing specific special characters or character ranges. Refer to the Oracle documentation for their specific syntax.


UPDATE table_name SET column_name = TRANSLATE(column_name, '[\'!"#$%^&*()]', '');


By following these steps, you can effectively remove special characters from strings in Oracle SQL. This technique is essential for data cleansing, text processing, and ensuring data integrity.

How to Remove Special Characters from a String in Oracle SQL

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How to Remove Special Characters from String in Oracle SQL


Special characters can cause issues when working with strings in Oracle SQL, such as when comparing or concatenating them. Fortunately, Oracle provides a variety of built-in functions that can be used to remove special characters from strings.


1. TRANSLATE Function

The TRANSLATE function replaces specified characters with other characters. To remove special characters, use the following syntax:

TRANSLATE(string, 'special_characters', 'replacements')

For example, to remove all non-alphanumeric characters from a string, use:

TRANSLATE(string, '~!@#$%^&*()-_=+[]{}<>,./?\'";: ', '')


The REGEXP_REPLACE function uses regular expressions to replace substrings. To remove special characters, use the following syntax:

REGEXP_REPLACE(string, '[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]', '')

This expression removes all characters that are not letters, numbers, or spaces.

3. Other Functions

Other Oracle functions that can be used to remove special characters include:

  • SUBSTR – Removes a substring from a string
  • INSTR – Finds the position of a substring in a string
  • LENGTH – Returns the length of a string


Consider the following string:

~!@#$%^&*()-_=+[]{}<>,./?\'";:Hello World!


TRANSLATE('~!@#$%^&*()-_=+[]{}<>,./?\'";:Hello World!', '~!@#$%^&*()-_=+[]{}<>,./?\'";: ', '')


Hello World


REGEXP_REPLACE('~!@#$%^&*()-_=+[]{}<>,./?\'";:Hello World!', '[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]', '')


Hello World


Removing special characters from strings in Oracle SQL is essential for ensuring data integrity and accuracy. By using the TRANSLATE, REGEXP_REPLACE, or other functions mentioned above, you can effectively clean and manipulate strings, making them suitable for various operations.