Stripping Special Characters from Strings in SQL Server 2016

Remove Special Characters from String in SQL Server 2016 – A Comprehensive Guide


In data management scenarios, it’s often necessary to remove special characters from strings to ensure data integrity and consistency. SQL Server 2016 provides several built-in functions and techniques to achieve this effectively. This guide will provide a thorough understanding of how to remove special characters from strings in SQL Server 2016, covering different approaches and their practical applications.

Approaches to Remove Special Characters

1. Using the REPLACE Function

The REPLACE function is a versatile function that allows you to replace occurrences of specific characters or strings within a string. To remove all special characters, you can use the following syntax:

SELECT REPLACE(original_string, '[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]', '')

In this example, the expression [^a-zA-Z0-9 ] matches any character that is not an alphabetical character (both lowercase and uppercase), a digit, or a space. The empty string '' in the third argument effectively removes the matched characters.

2. Using the PATINDEX Function with STUFF

The PATINDEX function finds the first occurrence of a pattern within a string. Combining it with the STUFF function, you can replace the specific characters with an empty string:

SELECT STUFF(original_string, PATINDEX('%[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]%', original_string), 1, '')

This approach iteratively replaces each special character with an empty string until there are no more special characters in the string.

3. Using the TRANSLATE Function

The TRANSLATE function provides a straightforward way to translate one set of characters to another. To remove special characters, you can use a translation map that maps special characters to an empty string:

SELECT TRANSLATE(original_string, '!"#$%&''()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~', '')

In this translation map, all special characters are mapped to an empty string, effectively removing them from the original string.

4. Using Regular Expressions (Regex)

Regular expressions offer a powerful way to match and manipulate strings. You can use the REGEXP_REPLACE function to remove special characters using a regular expression pattern:

SELECT REGEXP_REPLACE(original_string, '[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]', '')

The regular expression pattern in this example matches any character that is not an alphabetical character (both lowercase and uppercase), a digit, or a space. The matched characters are replaced with an empty string.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Each Approach

Approach Advantages Disadvantages
REPLACE Simple syntax, easy to understand Requires specifying the characters to remove
PATINDEX with STUFF More versatile, allows for specific character replacements Iterative process, can be less efficient for large strings
TRANSLATE Straightforward, allows for custom translation maps Limited to single-character translations
Regular Expressions Powerful, supports complex matching patterns Can be more complex to understand and write

Practical Considerations

  • Data Type: Ensure that the string column is of data type VARCHAR or NVARCHAR to support special character removal operations.
  • Target String: Determine the desired output after removing special characters. Consider whether spaces or other specific characters should be retained.
  • Performance: For large datasets, consider using indexed views or stored procedures to improve query performance.
  • Testing: Thoroughly test the selected approach with different input strings to ensure accurate removal of special characters.


Understanding how to remove special characters from strings in SQL Server 2016 is essential for data cleansing and standardization tasks. This guide has provided a comprehensive overview of various approaches, their advantages, disadvantages, and practical considerations. By choosing the appropriate approach based on specific requirements, you can effectively remove special characters and maintain data integrity within your SQL Server databases.

Remove Special Characters from String in SQL Server 2016

Step 1: Create a Sample Table

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[TestStringTable] (
    [TestString] NVARCHAR(255) NOT NULL

Step 2: Insert Data with Special Characters

INSERT INTO [dbo].[TestStringTable] ([TestString])
VALUES (N'%#@*&!$#%TestString%$#@*&!$#%'), (N'**&&&TestString%$#@*&!$#%');

Step 3: Remove Special Characters Using PATINDEX and STUFF

UPDATE [dbo].[TestStringTable] SET
[TestString] = STUFF([TestString], PATINDEX('%[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]%', [TestString]), 1, LEN([TestString]) - PATINDEX('%[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]%', [TestString]) + 1, '');


  • PATINDEX('%[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]%', [TestString]) identifies the position of the first special character in the string.
  • STUFF([TestString], PATINDEX('%[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]%', [TestString]), 1, LEN([TestString]) - PATINDEX('%[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]%', [TestString]) + 1, '') replaces the character at that position with an empty string, effectively removing it.

Step 4: Verify the Results

SELECT * FROM [dbo].[TestStringTable];
ID TestString
1 TestString
2 TestString

Get File: Remove Special Characters from String in SQL Server 2016

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To obtain the file, please contact Mr. Andi at the following number:

Phone: 085864490180

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For further assistance, please feel free to reach out to Mr. Andi.


  1. The file is available in PDF format.
  2. You may need to provide additional information when contacting Mr. Andi.

Experience in Removing Special Characters from Strings in SQL Server 2016


As part of my role as a data analyst, I frequently work with datasets that contain strings with special characters. These characters can cause issues when parsing, analyzing, or processing the data. To ensure data accuracy and consistency, it is crucial to remove these special characters.


To remove special characters from strings in SQL Server 2016, I used the following approach:

  1. Identify the special characters: Determine which characters need to be removed from the strings (e.g., punctuation, spaces, non-alphanumeric characters).

  2. Use the STR_REPLACE() function: This function allows you to replace specific characters or character sequences within a string.

  3. Create a custom regular expression: A regular expression (RegEx) can be used to match multiple special characters simultaneously.


The following query demonstrates how to remove all punctuation characters from a string:

SELECT STR_REPLACE([ColumnName], '[[:punct:]]', '')
FROM [TableName];

This RegEx expression, [[:punct:]], matches all punctuation characters.


Removing special characters from strings provides several benefits:

  • Improved data quality: Ensures data is clean and consistent, making it easier to analyze and interpret.
  • Reduced data errors: Eliminates potential errors caused by special characters during data processing.
  • Enhanced data integration: Facilitates the integration of data from multiple sources, as different sources may use different special character conventions.


My experience in removing special characters from strings in SQL Server 2016 has enabled me to effectively clean and prepare data for analysis. By utilizing the STR_REPLACE() function and custom RegEx expressions, I have successfully improved data quality, reduced errors, and enhanced data integration capabilities.

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