How to Remove Special Characters from a String in Oracle SQL

How to Remove Special Characters from a String in Oracle SQL

Special characters, such as punctuation marks and symbols, can often interfere with string manipulation and comparison operations in Oracle SQL. Removing these special characters is essential to ensure data integrity and accuracy. This article provides a comprehensive guide on how to remove special characters from a string in Oracle SQL, covering various techniques and their practical applications.

Using the TRANSLATE Function

The TRANSLATE function is one of the most versatile methods to remove special characters from a string in Oracle SQL. It allows you to specify the characters to be removed and replace them with an empty string or another character. The syntax is as follows:

TRANSLATE(string, 'characters_to_remove', 'replacement_characters')

For example, to remove all punctuation marks and symbols from a string, you can use the following code:

SELECTTRANSLATE('This is a sample string!', '.,!?"', '') AS cleaned_string

Using the REGEXP_REPLACE Function

The REGEXP_REPLACE function provides a more advanced regular expression-based approach to remove special characters from a string. It allows you to define a regular expression pattern to match the characters you want to remove. The syntax is as follows:

REGEXP_REPLACE(string, 'regular_expression_pattern', 'replacement_string')

To remove all non-alphanumeric characters from a string, you can use the following code:

SELECTREGEXP_REPLACE('This is a sample string!', '[^a-zA-Z0-9]', '') AS cleaned_string

Using the REPLACE Function

The REPLACE function is a straightforward method to remove specific characters from a string. It replaces occurrences of a specified character or substring with another character or substring. The syntax is as follows:

REPLACE(string, 'search_string', 'replacement_string')

To remove all single quotes from a string, you can use the following code:

SELECTREPLACE('John's book is very interesting!', '''', '') AS cleaned_string

Using COALESCE and SUBSTR Functions

For more complex scenarios, you can use a combination of the COALESCE and SUBSTR functions to remove special characters. COALESCE allows you to specify a default value to be returned if a condition is met, while SUBSTR extracts a specified substring from a string. The syntax for COALESCE is as follows:

COALESCE(expression1, expression2)

The syntax for SUBSTR is as follows:

SUBSTR(string, start_position, length)

To remove all leading and trailing spaces from a string, you can use the following code:

SELECTCOALESCE(SUBSTR(column_name, 2), '') AS cleaned_string

Practical Applications

Removing special characters from a string has numerous practical applications in Oracle SQL, including:

  • Data cleansing and normalization before performing data analysis or reporting
  • Improving string comparisons and matching operations
  • Facilitating data integration and exchange between different systems
  • Ensuring data accuracy and integrity in database applications


Understanding how to remove special characters from a string in Oracle SQL is crucial for efficient data manipulation and analysis. The methods described in this guide provide a comprehensive approach to addressing this issue, ranging from simple character replacements to advanced regular expression-based solutions. By applying these techniques effectively, data engineers and database administrators can ensure the accuracy and integrity of data for various business applications.

How to Remove Special Characters from a String in Oracle SQL

Step 1: Identify the Special Characters

Determine which special characters you want to remove from the string. Common special characters include punctuation marks, symbols, and whitespace characters.

Step 2: Use the TRANSLATE Function

The TRANSLATE function allows you to replace specific characters in a string with other characters. To remove special characters, use the following syntax:

TRANSLATE(string_expression, ‘old_characters’, ‘new_characters’)

Step 3: Replace the Special Characters with Empty Strings

For the ‘new_characters’ parameter, specify empty strings to replace the special characters with nothing. This will effectively remove the special characters from the string.

Step 4: Example

Consider the following example:

SELECT TRANSLATE(‘Hello, World!’, ‘!, ‘, ”)

This query will remove the comma and space from the string, resulting in the following output:


Step 5: Handling Multiple Special Characters

If you need to remove multiple special characters, you can specify them in the ‘old_characters’ parameter as a single string. For example:

SELECT TRANSLATE(‘Hello, World!’, ‘,!&?;’, ”)

This query will remove the comma, exclamation mark, ampersand, semicolon, and question mark from the string.

Step 6: Additional Options

Using Regular Expressions

Oracle SQL also supports regular expressions, which offer more flexibility in removing special characters. For example, you can use the following regular expression to remove all non-alphanumeric characters:

TRANSLATE(string_expression, ‘[^a-zA-Z0-9]’, ”)

Using the REGEXP_REPLACE Function

The REGEXP_REPLACE function provides a more efficient way to use regular expressions for string manipulation. You can use the following syntax to remove special characters:

REGEXP_REPLACE(string_expression, ‘[^a-zA-Z0-9]’, ”)

Both the regular expression method and REGEXP_REPLACE function offer advanced options for handling special characters in strings.

How to Remove Special Characters from a String in Oracle SQL

To obtain the file containing instructions on how to remove special characters from a string in Oracle SQL, please contact Mr. Andi at +62 858-6449-0180.

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+62 858-6449-0180

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How to Remove Special Characters from a String in Oracle SQL


Special characters can cause problems when processing data in Oracle SQL. To avoid these issues, it’s often necessary to remove such characters from strings. This can be achieved using the TRANSLATE() function.


The syntax of the TRANSLATE() function is as follows:

TRANSLATE(string, from_list, to_list)
  • string: The string from which special characters are to be removed.
  • from_list: A list of characters to be replaced.
  • to_list: A list of characters to replace the characters in from_list.


Consider the following table:

| name |
| ‘John Doe’ |
| ‘Jane Doe’ |
| ‘John Smith’ |
| ‘Jane Smith’ |

To remove apostrophes from the name column, the following query can be used:

SELECT TRANSLATE(name, '''', '') FROM table_name;

The output of the query will be:

| name |
| John Doe |
| Jane Doe |
| John Smith |
| Jane Smith |

Additional Functions

In addition to the TRANSLATE() function, there are other functions that can be used to remove special characters from strings. These include:

  • REGEXP_REPLACE(): Replaces a substring that matches a regular expression with a specified replacement string.
  • SUBSTR(): Extracts a substring from a string, starting at a specified position and continuing for a specified length.
  • REPLACE(): Replaces all occurrences of a specified substring with another substring.

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