How to Find Special Characters in a Python String

How to Find Special Characters in Python Strings

Special characters are those that are not considered to be alphanumeric, such as punctuation marks, spaces, and symbols. They can be used to add formatting or to represent specific information within a string. In Python, there are several ways to find special characters in a string.

Using the in Operator

One way to find special characters in a string is to use the in operator. This operator checks if a substring is contained within a string. For example, the following code checks if the string s contains the special character !:

s = "Hello, world!"
if "!" in s:
    print("String contains special character!")

Using the find() Method

The find() method can be used to find the first occurrence of a substring within a string. If the substring is not found, the method returns -1. The following code uses the find() method to find the first occurrence of the special character $ in the string s:

s = "The price is $10.00"
index = s.find("$")
if index != -1:
    print("Special character found at index", index)

Using the count() Method

The count() method can be used to count the number of occurrences of a substring within a string. The following code uses the count() method to count the number of occurrences of the special character . in the string s:

s = "This is a test string."
count = s.count(".")
print("Special character occurs", count, "times")

Using Regular Expressions

Regular expressions are a powerful way to match patterns within text. They can be used to find special characters, as well as other types of patterns. The following code uses a regular expression to find all occurrences of the special character * in the string s:

import re

s = "This is a* test string."
pattern = r"\*"
matches = re.findall(pattern, s)
print("Special character found at indices", matches)

Advanced Techniques

In addition to the basic methods described above, there are a number of advanced techniques that can be used to find special characters in Python strings. These techniques include:

Using the string Module

The string module provides a number of constants that represent sets of special characters. For example, the punctuation constant represents a set of all punctuation characters. The following code uses the punctuation constant to find all punctuation characters in the string s:

import string

s = "This is a test string."
punc = set(string.punctuation)
punc_chars = [char for char in s if char in punc]
print("Punctuation characters:", punc_chars)

Using Unicode

Unicode is a character encoding standard that represents a wide range of characters, including special characters. Python strings can be encoded using Unicode, which allows you to find special characters by their Unicode code points. The following code finds all special characters in the string s by their Unicode code points:

s = "This is a test string."
special_chars = [char for char in s if ord(char) > 127]
print("Special characters:", special_chars)


Finding special characters in Python strings is a common task that can be performed using a variety of techniques. The techniques described in this article provide a comprehensive guide to finding special characters in Python strings, from basic methods to advanced techniques.

How to Find Special Characters in a Python String

1. Identify Special Characters

Special characters in Python strings are those that must be escaped using a backslash (\) to be interpreted as themselves. Examples include:

Character Escaped Form
Newline \n
Tab \t
Single quote \’
Double quote \”
Backslash \\
Carriage return \r

2. Using String Functions

Several built-in string functions can help you find special characters in a string:


Checks if the string is a valid identifier (can be used as a variable name), which ensures that it doesn’t contain any special characters except underscores (_) and digits (0-9).

if not my_string.isidentifier():
print(“Contains special characters”)


Checks if the string contains only alphanumeric characters (letters and digits), indicating the presence of special characters.

if not my_string.isalnum():
print(“Contains special characters”)


Checks if the string contains only alphabetic characters (letters), indicating the presence of special characters.

if not my_string.isalpha():
print(“Contains special characters”)


Checks if the string contains only digits (0-9), indicating the presence of special characters.

if not my_string.isdigit():
print(“Contains special characters”)

3. Using Regular Expressions

Regular expressions offer a powerful way to find special characters in a string. For example, the following regex will match any non-alphanumeric character:

import re
pattern = r'[^a-zA-Z0-9]’
match =, my_string)
if match:
print(“Contains special characters”)

How to Find Special Characters in Python String


Python strings can contain special characters, such as newlines, tabs, and carriage returns. These characters can be difficult to find and can cause problems when working with strings.

Using the ord() Function

One way to find special characters in a Python string is to use the ord() function. The ord() function returns the Unicode code point of a character. Special characters have specific Unicode code points that can be used to identify them.

For example, the following code uses the ord() function to find the Unicode code point of the newline character:

>>> ord('\n')

Using the isprintable() Function

Another way to find special characters in a Python string is to use the isprintable() function. The isprintable() function returns True if a character is printable and False if it is not.

For example, the following code uses the isprintable() function to find the non-printable characters in a string:

>>> s = 'Hello, world!\n'
>>> for char in s:
... if not char.isprintable():
... print(char)

Using the re Module

The re module can also be used to find special characters in a Python string. The re module provides a number of functions for working with regular expressions.

For example, the following code uses the re module to find all the newline characters in a string:

import re

>>> s = 'Hello, world!\n'
>>> matches = re.findall(r'\n', s)
>>> for match in matches:
... print(match)

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Finding Special Characters in a Python String


Special characters, such as punctuation, symbols, and whitespace, are an important part of any text string. In Python, these characters can be easily identified and manipulated using various methods. This article will demonstrate how to find special characters in a Python string with several practical examples.

Finding Specific Characters

Using the find() Method

The find() method searches for the first occurrence of a specified character or substring within a string. It returns the index of the first character of the match, or -1 if the character is not found.


string = “Hello, world!”
index = string.find(“,”)
if index != -1:
print(“Comma found at index”, index)
print(“Comma not found”)

Using the in Operator

Another way to check if a character exists in a string is to use the in operator. It returns True if the character is found, and False otherwise.


string = “Hello, world!”
if “,” in string:
print(“Comma found in the string”)
print(“Comma not found in the string”)

Finding All Occurrences of a Character

Using the count() Method

The count() method returns the number of occurrences of a specified character or substring in a string. It can be used to find all occurrences of a special character.


string = “Hello, world!”
count = string.count(“,”)
print(“Number of commas in the string:”, count)

Using Regular Expressions

Regular expressions provide advanced pattern matching capabilities that can be used to find all occurrences of special characters. The re.findall() function can be used for this purpose.


import re

string = “Hello, world! This is a test. :)”
matches = re.findall(r”[.,!?]”, string)
print(“Special characters found:”, matches)

Finding Special Characters Using Character Classes

Character classes are a convenient way to match specific groups of characters. They can be used to find special characters that belong to certain categories.

Using the \W Character Class

The \W character class matches characters that are not alphanumeric (i.e., non-letters or non-numbers). It can be used to find all special characters in a string.


string = “Hello, world! This is a test. :)”
matches = re.findall(r”\W”, string)
print(“Special characters found:”, matches)

Using Other Character Classes

Other commonly used character classes include:

* \s: Whitespace characters (spaces, tabs, newlines)
* \d: Digits (0-9)
* \D: Non-digits


Finding special characters in a Python string is essential for various text processing tasks. By using the methods and techniques described in this article, you can easily identify and extract special characters, enabling you to perform advanced string manipulation operations.